What is Global Case Management System

The GCMS stands for Global Case Management System. It is a software used by Canadian government in capturing and processing data for immigration purposes. The GCMS note reveals the comprehensive details of why a visa application was refused. It exposes the loopholes in an application.  A GCMS note helps you to know why a visa application is delayed in the case of Permanent Resident application, Study visa application and other applications such as procedural fairness.

The Essence of GCMS note in a Study visa reapplication.


When a study visa is rejected, the reasons you get most times for the rejection is generic.
It is not advisable to dwell on those reasons to do a reapplication.

A GCMS note gives the visa officer who acted on your application the opportunity to explain in details why he or she refused your visa application.

It takes between 2 weeks to 6 weeks to get a response from a GCMS request.

Who Can Apply for a GCMS note?

GCMS note can only be requested by

▪︎Those living in Canada.

▪︎The status of the person requesting it must be a Permanent Resident or a Citizen.

▪︎A GCMS note cannot be requested outside Canada.

For Assistance in requesting for a GCMS note, Contact us